What is 1V-LSD? Meet Valerie!

With the growing nature of the research chemical industry, many LSD analogues pop up here and there. Some get a lot of hype while others are rather disregarded. However, the LSD analogue I will be going over in this article seems to be getting a lot of attention!

Introducing: 1V-LSD! While this is the most commonly used name, you may be more likely to recognize this compound by its nickname; Valerie.

What is 1V-LSD?

1V-LSD, or 1-valeryl-D-lysergic acid diethylamide, falls into the intriguing class of lysergamides. This category includes a collection of compounds. You may have heard of another lysergamide, 1P-LSD, which is without a doubt the most well-known lysergamide in the research chemical community. Structurally, LSD-25 (lysergic acid diethylamide) is extremely comparable to both 1P-LSD and 1V-LSD.

Is 1V-LSD legal?

The legality of this compound mirrors the legality of 1P-LSD, however, it is deemed legal in a few more locations, eg. Germany. As with all research chemicals, this substance is sold for research purposes only! This means it is not legal for human consumption but is legal for sale, possession and research.

Here is some more specific information on the legal status of 1V-LSD in different countries:

  • Switzerland: 1V-LSD can be considered a controlled substance under the Verzeichnis E point 263. However, it can be considered legal when used for research purposes. When it comes to researching 1V-LSD, just be aware that it can technically be considered a controlled substance.
  • Germany: As stated above, 1V-LSD is not a controlled substance under the NpSG.
  • Austria: While it is not technically illegal, it may fall under the NpSG as an analogue of LSD, thus making it illegal. Again, just be aware of the grey area it falls into when looking at Austria’s law.
  • Lavia: Unfortunately, 1V-LSD is deemed illegal in Lavia. Although it is not officially a scheduled substance, it is controlled as an LSD analogue due to an amendment made on June 1st, 2015.
  • United States of America: This country considers 1V-LSD to be a prodrug of LSD, which means that possession and sale may be prosecutable under the Federal Analogue Act.
  • United Kingdom: Due to the Psychoactive Substance Act, 1V-LSD is illegal the produce, supply, import and possess. This act came into full effect on May 26th, 2016. Before this date, the research chemical industry was booming in the UK. That being said, May 26th was a sad day for countless citizens of the UK.

Passing laws against research chemicals creates a black market, which is (in my opinion) an extremely backwards step to take. With any black market on the rise brings inevitable and unnecessary violence and many other harmful impacts. This is why we must stand together and fight for the right to research!

Please keep in mind that the laws on research chemicals seem to change like the wind. In fact, by the time you are reading this article, all of the above may be untrue at this point in time and laws could have changed completely! When you are looking at researching a particular compound, always check the current legal status of said chemical in your country. You never know when they’ve made a change that could mean you are illegally researching your desired compound. This defeats the whole purpose and motive of the research chemical industry; a way to safely and legally research particular compounds.

Consider this my OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: The list above is only valid for the date it is being written. I cannot be held accountable for a reader acting upon outdated information regarding the legality of 1V-LSD. I do not condone the production, sale or possession of any illegal substances. Additionally, I do not condone the use of consuming any illegal substances and understand that 1V-LSD is only sold for research purposes.

When was 1V-LSD made?

Rumour has it that 1V-LSD’s first synthesis was completed during the early summer of 2021. Not long after, it was stocked by some of the biggest research chemical vendors in the game.

The motive of its synthesis was to combat Germany’s NpSG ban on 1P-LSD, which originally left many Germans without their usual research materials and created a massive black hole in the 1P-LSD market. This ban put a devastating halt on open studies in various at-home labs across Germany.

We can thank the research Gods for answering our prayers and gifting us Valarie! The chem wizard(s) who invented this newly loved lysergamide are to remain unnamed. However, I can state that it was synthesized by a team of highly-skilled chemists at the famous Lizard Labs facility.

This laboratory has done so much in regards to keeping the research chemical industry alive. This is also where 1P-LSD was invented. In fact, every time you buy 1P-LSD (in any form) you can rest assured knowing that it was made in this particular lab.

They are the only producers in the world for a number of chemicals that have grown to be vital staples in the at-home labs of researchers across the globe! Not all heroes wear capes…

More on the synthesis of 1V-LSD

You may be wondering what the difference between LSD-25 and 1V-LSD is? While I am no chemist and do not know the ins and outs of how to synthesize either of these compounds, I can say with (some) confidence that the primary difference is the addition of a valeryl group.

This group is what you may have guessed to be what gave 1V-LSD the name ‘Valarie’. This is essentially attached to the nitrogen of the core LSD molecule’s polycyclic indole group. In comparison to LSD, 1V-LSD has an additional N1-valeryl group.

For additional information to those who are not familiar with the chemical aspects of LSD, it is made of the alkaline hydrolysis of lysergamides, such as ergotamine which is a substance derived from the ergot fungus. This is what all analogues of LSD (invented by Albert Hofmann) are made of.

Don’t forget that just because something was synthesized in a lab does not mean it’s completely ‘unnatural’. Just like everyone and everything, all chemicals come from nature!


There is no doubt that this remarkable lysergamide is going to change the field of research for many over time. While it is new to the scene, it is clear that 1V-LSD is paving a legendary path and will likely grow in popularity, being part of countless research studies.

Are you curious enough to start researching 1V-LSD yourself? CLICK HERE to start your journey with Valarie.


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