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The Subconscious & Unconscious Mind: Diving Into the Unknown

Hidden beneath the conscious mind, beneath our rational, decision-making intellect and wit, there exists a vast ocean of intelligent awareness, the driving force that guides us through our lives without ever so much as showing itself to us.  Forever looming just beyond the reach of our conscious minds, the unconscious holds the keys to our …

The Subconscious & Unconscious Mind: Diving Into the Unknown Přečtěte si více »

Vaping Isn’t as Dangerous as You Thought; Here’s Why

Vaping has become incredibly popular in recent years. Initially, it was hailed as a safe alternative to smoking. This was followed up by a number of media authorities countering, saying that vaping was, in fact, quite dangerous. The truth lies somewhere in the middle, and if you’ve been following the media hype, the reality is …

Vaping Isn’t as Dangerous as You Thought; Here’s Why Přečtěte si více »

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